Tardigrade Inferno – Fire, Plague and Locust Lyrics

Tardigrade Inferno – Fire, Plague and Locust Lyrics

First thing in the morning
Check if the world is burning
It easily can change overnight
Check if the symptom lingers
Count your teeth and fingers
Looks like you are doing alright

The smoke is rising higher
And everything’s on fire
And when it dies, the plague will return
You gotta stand your ground
And build a fence around
And pray the barbed wire won’t burn

When doubting your choices
You talk to inner voices
It is your way of coping with stress
Is someone coming here?
Maybe interfere?
They all had it coming, I guess

Strong man make good times!
Don’t ask me how, it’s science!
I’m fighting for the whole human race
And future generations
Will launch space stations
I only need to crush someone’s rai

Fire, plague and locust
Are spreading as you are standing still
It all will make you stronger
Just as long as you don’t kill
You have
A gun
A head
Go mad

Count all senses
As your expenses
And leave your shelter
In disarray
You’re almost hopeless
The only hope is
To try to live ore
To die another day

Remember the beginning?
We thought that we were winning
Now all you want is to die in peace
In the abandoned fair
You dream of clean air
You also dream of hating your kids

You all are weak and spoiled
Your oceans aren’t boiled
Your ice caps are not going to melt
Your whole generation
Is blight upon the nation
If only you just knew how it felt

When fire, plague and locust
Are spreading as you are standing still
It all will make you stronger
Just as long as you don’t kill
You have
A gun
A head
Go mad